Bella Bella BC

Bella Bella, also known as Waglisla meaning "river inlet", is the home of the Heiltsuk Nation and located on the east coast of Campbell Island in the Central Coastal region of British Columbia, Canada. Bella Bella is located 181 km north of Port Hardy and 144 km west of Bella Coola.
With a population of 1,400, Bella Bella is the largest community to be found on the Central Coast north of Queen Charlotte StraitThe 2015 herring season saw a crisis erupt over a long-simmering dispute between the Heiltsuk and The Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Citing concern for the stocks and Heiltsuk rights, the Heiltsuk occupied the local DFO office for 4 days. The Heiltsuk continue to fight to protect their lands, waters and all the inhabitants.

Created by Sharon Wilson
An experimental rumination of self and place in the world.
-Bella Bella, BC - 2016, 4:08
Created by Bella Brown, Trinity Hunt & Nathanial Mason-Brown
An informative documentary about oil tankers and the threat they pose to the Heiltsuk way of life.
-Bella Bella, BC - 2016, 5:44

Created by Nadia Faye-Lynn Humchitt & Keyshawn Peers
A documentary exploring the importance of Heiltsuk culture.
-Bella Bella, BC - 2016, 3:25

Created by Alexa Gladstone-Brown & Astrid Wilson
An inspirational documentary celebrating and encouraging youth to engage with the Heiltsuk culture. 
-Bella Bella, BC - 2016, 4:13

Created by Elle Brown & Latoya Windsor
A mini documentary exploring how the affects of Residential School still resonate within the community. 
-Bella Bella, BC - 2016, 5:43 

Created by The Grade 6/7 class of Bella Bella Community School
An animation sharing the ancient ways of keeping food cool and a few traditional stories come to life: The Xla Xla, The Tanis and the little green men. 
-Bella Bella, BC - 2016, 5:43 


Learning About Our Culture
Created by Gwen Chamberlain & Natalia Windsor
A film that celebrates the Heiltsuk curriculum - both language and culture - in the Bella Bella Community School.
-Bella Bella, BC - 2015, 4:30 

Created by Jai Campbell-Watt
A brave film encouraging youth who suffer from bullying, depression and suicidal thoughts to turn to others for help.
Viewer discretion: mature subject matter
-Bella Bella, BC - 2015, 4:30 

Created by Elle Brown & Astrid Wilson
A film that interviews two different generation about the importance of the Heiltsuk culture.
-Bella Bella, BC - 2015, 3:00

Created by Alexa Gladstone-Brown & Angelica Kero
A film that highlights each individual and their goals and uniqueness to help them move away from sorrow and suicide into self love and celebration.
-Bella Bella, BC - 2015, 5:00

Created by the Grade 7 class in the Bella Bella Community School
An epic animation celebrating Heiltsuk culture.
-Bella Bella, BC - 2015, 4:20 

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