Monday, October 17, 2016

Haida Gwaii - Gid Gaalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School- Day 2

Arrival to Gid Gaalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School!
Oh sunny day!

We have an incredible core group of filmmakers: Niccola, Rachel, Heather, Hannah and Mackenzie - three from grade 12 and three students from grade 8! 
Sheila Wigmore is our Teachers Assistant.
Welcome All!

Mentor and resident artist, Patrick Shannon, discusses documentary filmmaking

The group critique and discuss films and filmmaking techniques

During the brainstorming session, there are NO bad ideas

We jot everything down on the white boards...

Here are some fictional and traditional film ideas

Here are some documentary ideas...

Some fresh air helps in the creative process and suddenly the group has decided on a HAIDA HORROR film!
Niccola discusses her character while Director Rachel and Good Ghost Heather listen in

Camera/Editor Mackenzie and mentor Patrick listens to the story develop 

Hannah decides to be an Evil Ghost 

TA Sheila listens as the story comes together.
GREAT work today! 
See you all tomorrow!

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