
Since 2007, Our World has been visiting remote First Nation communities in BC and Yukon conducting filmmaking workshops with the people who live there. This project brings together youth and elders to include First Language translation, speaking and cultural sharing. 

Created initially by the National Film Board of Canada and then produced by Bite Size Media,  
Our World continues through the dedication of a collective of professional filmmakers with diverse backgrounds interested in contributing to Reconciliation in an artful way. We also have an incredible workshop/screening partner in Reel 2 Real and government funding bodies Canada Council for the Arts, the Vuntut Gwitchin Government and The Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Nations.
First Nations Language usage has diminished in many Aboriginal communities due to the Residential School System and a legacy of cultural and spiritual oppression by the enforcement of colonialism. In many communities there are often only a few elders who continue to speak it fluently.  

Kristy and Ts'inni Stephen working together
closely to translate her personal story into
the Haida language.

The mandate of Our World is two-fold:

1. Working with First Nations communities to provide access to media arts training as a means of empowerment through artistic & cultural expression.

2. Integrating First Nations language and culture into films as a way to heal the past, claim the present and move forward into the future with pride of identity. 

Though there is a focus on sparking interest in filmmaking with youth, Our World also encourages adults and elders to participate. 

Our World encourages individuals to make their own unique films in an intimate and un-intimidating setting. The Our World commitment is to return multiple times to the same communities, building on skills and encouraging the continuation of media making/storytelling and perhaps inspiring a new generation of artists. Our World applies to film festivals on behalf of the filmmakers and often gets funding to sponsor filmmakers to attend the festivals. Our World is so proud of the hard work represented on these web pages. 

Enjoy their stories.

Contact: lisagis(at)gmail.com

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
which last year invested $11.8 million in media arts throughout Canada.
Nous remercions de son soutien le Conseil des Arts du Canada,
qui a investi 11,8 millions de dollars l'an dernier dans les arts médiatiques à travers le Canada.

Our World gratefully awknowledges the contined support from the 

National Film Board of Canada
in the form of equipment and tech support