Friday, October 21, 2016

Haida Gwaii - Tllal - Day 6

Today we check out a bit of the island before our shoot at 5pm.
We head south to Tllal and stop at the Crows Nest for coffee and to say hello to the horses!

I bet this girl doesn't know what the sign says....

We decide to take a walk in Naikoon Park and head toward the Pesuta Shipwreck...

It is a magical walk among the trees and springy path
Fairy villages are all around
A calming antidote to staring at a computer screen!
Mushroom after mushroom begs for our attention

We soon realize we won't make it to the shipwreck today and head back to be on time for the shoot at the Haida Heritage Centre.....

Even though today is a Pro-D day, Team Coffee meets at  Ḵay Llnagaay Heritage Centre 
for their shoot. 
Our crew comes from Charlotte, Skidegate and even Port Clements (an hour away)!
When we arrive, we find Patrick and Heather already hard at work.....
Patrick teaches Heather how to fly the drone to get a birds eye view of the ancient village site called 'Sea-Lion Town'

Prep for the shoot: snacks and brown paint on Hannah's hands and arms!

Niccola applies the ghost makeup to Hannah

These are the security cameras that people who work here have seen ghostly apparitions - FOR REAL!

Hannah as ghost and Maria Cecilia as behind the scenes documentarian

A long lens allows for a closeup in a tight location
Niccola's character runs from a ghost to get her car keys....

Rachel directs with confidence and Heather is a camera person extraordinaire!
(Millie captures live sound for doc and horror)

The scene when the ghosts asks for what is hers....

Mentor Patrick slates the often makes us laugh!

One more time 'for safety'!

The light is perfect for the ghost to appear

The final scene of the night: Heather as Lindsay delivers her line as a pro !

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