Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Haida Gwaii - Gid Gaalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School- Day 10

Today, the second to last day of the workshop, both films are in great shape.
The documentary team -working title 'Keeping the Legends at Heart' continued to edit their end credits, finesse sound and record two more interviews. 
The Haida thriller team - added all their new scenes and started to tackle their foley sound, colour and credits!

Tyra working on credits

Mackenzie and Rachel work on editing, while Niccola, Heather and Hannah find sound effects

Jacey and Tasharra record an interview with Trey

After Rachel is tired from editing sound, Mackenzie jumps in to add new credits

Everyone is tired at the end of the day - GREAT job everyone - filmmaking is hard work!

1 comment:

  1. how did I fail to attend this movie expo though I will probably attend next years hope the participants learnt a lot about film though keep holding more of such events
