Thursday, October 27, 2016

Skidegate - Screening Night!

Haawa! Thank you! 
To everyone who came out tonight! 
It was an incredible night...
... if not fraught with technical difficulties - projector at the Heritage Centre wouldn't turn on, so the art teacher from Gid Gaalang Kuuyas Naay drove back to the school to get their projector and speakers - big Haawa to James Reid! The show must go on!

It was a full house, with families driving all the way from Masset to support the young filmmakers! 
Pizza and juice was served and the films were well received!

The animation Bears and the Berries (created at the Sk'aadgaa Naay Elementary School) played first - both the english version and Haida version!
The documentary, Keep the Legends at Heart!

The end scene of  Consequences of a Thief !

Filmmaker, Heather, and her family - who travelled all the way from Masset!
Chinni, Nanni, Mom, Heather and Dad!

So many parents, friends and family members came out and made the whole night special. 
It was an honour to work with the young filmmakers and we hope to do it all again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! its great to know about young film makers through your blog. I appreciate the efforts of Heather that she made a great film. Pictures shows that how much people enjoying watching the film on projector. Great work.
