Monday, October 3, 2016

Bella Bella - Day 6

Monday brought us all back to the Youth Centre for 
more film production!

A new mentor Sebnem joins the group and introduces herself...welcome Sebnem!
Everyone learned camera skills and sound in the morning.

Latoya pretends she will interview Bella while Nate looks on.

Bella gets some tips from Stephen, this time when Nate is the pretend interviewee

Using the natural light from the windows, Astrid sets up her shot.

Keyshawn and Nadia interview Elle
A great eye light on Elle!
Practicing framing and camera settings - Latoya took this great shot of mentor Stephen!
Nadia practiced focus and took this wonderful photo of the school.
Nate took this arty shot of Elle and Latoya!
 Right after lunch the young filmmakers had their work cut out for them!
Alexa and Astrid completely restructured their film and organized interviews for tomorrow.
Latoya and Elle recorded Max Johnson's Celebration song.
Nadia and Keyshawn had three interviews at the school: Norman, Liz and Frankie.
Bella, Nate and Trinity had two interviews back to back at different locations: first with Ingmar down by the dock and then Emma (Trinity's Nannie) at her house!

Trinity listens to how the Sennheiser picks up sounds outside.

Bella captures wild sound. Mentor Lisa g shows Elle camera tricks.

The crew await the singers and ham it up for the camera.

Elle prepares for a group shot

Elle captures Max Johnson's Celebration Song - two takes.

Here is the whole singing crew giving it their all.

Ingmar brought a great short video about his passion for the environment and in particular against Oil Tankers.
Everyone worked super hard with the day ending at around 5pm. Can't for tomorrow.

The mentors decided to buy dinner from Ron Humchitt: poutine, chicken strips, onion rings and chicken wings oh my!
On the way to get food we see a great house all set for Halloween!

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