Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Haida Gwaii - Gid Gaalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School - Day 3

Back at the Gid Gaalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School bright and early...
Artwork and Elders on the walls and doors

Residential Schools explained

Student made ceramic art!

The hallway to the room we are working in

Furthering story and scenes for Team Coffee

Mackenzie makes notes of scenes

Executive Director of Reel 2 Real International Film Festival for Youth (Venay Felton) pops by to listen in
Discussions often lead to laughter!

Three new students join us and they shall create a documentary:  
Welcome Jacey, Tyra, Tasharra !
Patrick shows a few videos made during the Haida Youth Assembly

Although documentary style, these films are full of energy and super fun!
 In the late morning we move from story to tech and get hands on with tripods and cameras!
Jacey, Tasharra and Tyra worked together on tripod

Team TSB (Triple Slay Braids)!

Mackenzie loves the camera!
Mentor Patrick talks lenses

Introduction of Wide, Medium, Close Up shot, students draw examples
Tyra immediately made friends with the camera!

And now to go and practice getting shots around the school
Rachel frames Heather in a medium shot

Mackenzie frames Heather in a wide shot

Team Coffee capture a extreme closeup of Niccola

Rachel gets in close for the shot of Niccola!

In order to focus on the eyes, the camera gets in even closer

Reviewing footage and critiquing framing 

Extreme close-up

Tyra practicing camer

The Whole Group!
Top: Tyra, Tasharra, Jacey, Rachel, Heather
Below: Makenzie, Hannah, Niccola

Team Coffee already organized 3 shoots at the Haida Heritage Centre (The Kay) and the Museum

Team TSB has already decided on their documentary
Interviewing three people about traditional stories with a focus on  Stone Ribs!


1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see the progress of a school. Different healthy and constructive activities are being arranged to involve all the students in positive manner.
