Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bella Bella - Premiere Screening

The clouds opened up and again delivered sheets of rain...but that DID NOT stop the incredible audience to amass for the PREMIERE SCREENING of the Bella Bella Community School's collections of newest films!

We had snacks for after and screening the films a total of 4 times!

Congrats to all the filmmakers - it was a truly special afternoon!

Keith from the Health Centre said a few nice words of context and introduction

The audience enthralled from the very beginning!

Smiles from Latoya, Elle, Keith and friend!

The audience kept pouring in....soon it was standing room only!

Elle and Astrid's film...

Jai's film

Natalia watching her film!

The filmmakers were honoured at the front and answered questions!

Happy filmmakers Natalia, Alexa and Elle!

Sarah added some really nice compliments!

The audience listening to the filmmakers

Principal Jan Gladish compliments the filmmakers!

Tracy, Natalia, Latoya and Charma!

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