Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bella Bella - Day 4

Another blue sky day with an incredible sunrise! We catch the 7:45 seabus from Shearwater and the view was so beautiful. The moon swathed in clouds and as we got off the seabus the sun started rising making the sky blue and pink all over.
The brand new YOUTH CENTRE!

Today was our busiest yet. 
Astrid had to catch up on school but Elle stepped up and animated 3 whole scenes and cleaned up Alexa's interview by editing up a storm! WOW.
Elle animating the questions she asked her interviewees

Sawyer decided that he could help Natalia and Gwen with their animated scenes so created a wicked spider and made it move on the web. Natalia, Gwen and Sarah created backgrounds for the Deer and snail and limpet too…although later in the day some serious editing of their piece had to happen (8 minutes down to 4 minutes) so the limpet scene was cut. 

Sawyer and mentor Tracy create a spider while Natalia work on backgrounds

Natalia and Gwen also shot their scene in the Heiltsuk classroom where they acted out commands in Heiltsuk AND recorded a walk down the hallway. This one is really coming together!

Sarah and Gwen edit

Natalia and Gwen shoot a scene in the Heiltsuk classroom
Angelica and Alexa conducted ALL their interviews…so many….hmmm perhaps 10! Holy Mackeral. They also imported them all into FCX and will be ready to edit tomorrow!

Jai continues to edit, adding titles, transitions and playing with story order. This piece has a strong message with some incredible cinematography.
Jai is a natural on FInal Cut Pro X

All in all a great day!!! Thanks for the hard work everyone!

Radom shot of bike parking outside of the Bella Bella Community School!

Natalia showing us an important part of Heiltsuk alphabet...

MONSTER with the basket!

Halloween Hijinx....

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