Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bella Bella - Day 5-6

The skies opened up! These days were rain, rain, rain! And when it rains in Bella Bella it REALLY rains.Very Hard with BIG drops!  Luckily it also stops from time to time... and lucky most of the work we have to do is inside!

Natalia, Gwen and Sarah, during a break in the rain, captured Gwen dancing and Natalia drumming  - a beautiful scene by the ocean - they also made their credits and added in their language class footage...almost there!

Gwen brings her amazing blanket with her family crest: Two-headed Raven!

Gwen danced in her blanket as soon as the rain stopped!

A great team: Natalia and Gwen!

 Angelica and Alexa (with Alexa staying late) cut down their 30 minute film down to 8 minutes - well done! They also fine tuned their edit and added more broll - they have created a really thoughtful, even flowing film....exactly their vision. Mentor Lisa g cried!
Another great team: Alexa and Angelica!

Today, Sawyer, with all his animation complete…happily headed back to school.

Jai, had another shoot with actors: Bella playing Izzy and Sarah playing Izzy's mother. It was a really poignant scene when Izzy's mother confronts Izzy's use of drugs and alcohol. Sarah got all choked up, as we all did with the emotional intensity of the scene!
Jai also recorded CJ's voice over as the bully and found copyright free music to use.
left to right: Jai, Sarah, Bella and Tracy

Jai edits while wearing really great socks!

Writer/Director Jai

Jai and Sarah

Elle and Astrid go their second interview with Elle's Grandma which was really lovely, they also added b-roll and created their end credits….

Astrid worked VERY hard editing!

We made posters and handouts to give to everyone tomorrow.

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