Saturday, October 31, 2015

Learning About Our Culture

Created by Gwen Chamberlain & Natalia Windsor

A film that celebrates the Heiltsuk curriculum - both language and culture - in the Bella Bella Community School.

Bella Bella - 2015 - 4:30

Words for Daggers

Created by Jai Campbell-Watt

A brave film encouraging youth who suffer from bullying, depression and suicidal thoughts to turn to others for help.
Viewer discretion: Mature subject matter.

Bella Bella - 2015 - 4:30

Proud to be Heiltsuk

Created by Elle Brown & Astrid Wilson
A film that interviews two different generations about the importance of the Heiltsuk culture.

Bella Bella - 2015 - 3:00

You are Important

Created by Alexa Gladstone-Brown & Angelica Kero

A film that highlights each individual and their goals and uniqueness to help them move away from sorrow and suicide and into self love and celebration.

Bella Bella - 2015 - 5:00

Old Bella Bella

Created by the Grade 7 class in the Bella Bella Community School

An epic animation celebrating Heiltsuk culture.

Bella Bella - 2015 - 4:20

Bella Bella - Premiere Screening

The clouds opened up and again delivered sheets of rain...but that DID NOT stop the incredible audience to amass for the PREMIERE SCREENING of the Bella Bella Community School's collections of newest films!

We had snacks for after and screening the films a total of 4 times!

Congrats to all the filmmakers - it was a truly special afternoon!

Keith from the Health Centre said a few nice words of context and introduction

The audience enthralled from the very beginning!

Smiles from Latoya, Elle, Keith and friend!

The audience kept pouring in....soon it was standing room only!

Elle and Astrid's film...

Jai's film

Natalia watching her film!

The filmmakers were honoured at the front and answered questions!

Happy filmmakers Natalia, Alexa and Elle!

Sarah added some really nice compliments!

The audience listening to the filmmakers

Principal Jan Gladish compliments the filmmakers!

Tracy, Natalia, Latoya and Charma!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Bella Bella - Day 7

Here is the poster for the big event tomorrow:

Today was sign off day and pretty much everyone was ready for since each piece was finished before lunch...let the costumes begin!

Vampire Gwen sneaks up on mentor Tracy

Vampire Natalia, Punk Rocker Angelica and Vampire Gwen pose!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bella Bella - Day 5-6

The skies opened up! These days were rain, rain, rain! And when it rains in Bella Bella it REALLY rains.Very Hard with BIG drops!  Luckily it also stops from time to time... and lucky most of the work we have to do is inside!

Natalia, Gwen and Sarah, during a break in the rain, captured Gwen dancing and Natalia drumming  - a beautiful scene by the ocean - they also made their credits and added in their language class footage...almost there!

Gwen brings her amazing blanket with her family crest: Two-headed Raven!

Gwen danced in her blanket as soon as the rain stopped!

A great team: Natalia and Gwen!

 Angelica and Alexa (with Alexa staying late) cut down their 30 minute film down to 8 minutes - well done! They also fine tuned their edit and added more broll - they have created a really thoughtful, even flowing film....exactly their vision. Mentor Lisa g cried!
Another great team: Alexa and Angelica!

Today, Sawyer, with all his animation complete…happily headed back to school.

Jai, had another shoot with actors: Bella playing Izzy and Sarah playing Izzy's mother. It was a really poignant scene when Izzy's mother confronts Izzy's use of drugs and alcohol. Sarah got all choked up, as we all did with the emotional intensity of the scene!
Jai also recorded CJ's voice over as the bully and found copyright free music to use.
left to right: Jai, Sarah, Bella and Tracy

Jai edits while wearing really great socks!

Writer/Director Jai

Jai and Sarah

Elle and Astrid go their second interview with Elle's Grandma which was really lovely, they also added b-roll and created their end credits….

Astrid worked VERY hard editing!

We made posters and handouts to give to everyone tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bella Bella - Day 4

Another blue sky day with an incredible sunrise! We catch the 7:45 seabus from Shearwater and the view was so beautiful. The moon swathed in clouds and as we got off the seabus the sun started rising making the sky blue and pink all over.
The brand new YOUTH CENTRE!

Today was our busiest yet. 
Astrid had to catch up on school but Elle stepped up and animated 3 whole scenes and cleaned up Alexa's interview by editing up a storm! WOW.
Elle animating the questions she asked her interviewees

Sawyer decided that he could help Natalia and Gwen with their animated scenes so created a wicked spider and made it move on the web. Natalia, Gwen and Sarah created backgrounds for the Deer and snail and limpet too…although later in the day some serious editing of their piece had to happen (8 minutes down to 4 minutes) so the limpet scene was cut. 

Sawyer and mentor Tracy create a spider while Natalia work on backgrounds

Natalia and Gwen also shot their scene in the Heiltsuk classroom where they acted out commands in Heiltsuk AND recorded a walk down the hallway. This one is really coming together!

Sarah and Gwen edit

Natalia and Gwen shoot a scene in the Heiltsuk classroom
Angelica and Alexa conducted ALL their interviews…so many….hmmm perhaps 10! Holy Mackeral. They also imported them all into FCX and will be ready to edit tomorrow!

Jai continues to edit, adding titles, transitions and playing with story order. This piece has a strong message with some incredible cinematography.
Jai is a natural on FInal Cut Pro X

All in all a great day!!! Thanks for the hard work everyone!

Radom shot of bike parking outside of the Bella Bella Community School!

Natalia showing us an important part of Heiltsuk alphabet...

MONSTER with the basket!

Halloween Hijinx....

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bella Bella - Day 3

It is a gorgeous day! 
Today in the workshop we move into full production mode. 

Angelica and Alexa run around taking still photographs and making interview appointments.
Jai films an interview with Michelle (Language teacher and Jai's 'other' mother) and most of her scenes with her amazing actor Bella!
Sawyer plans his film, creates a character and animates a scene.
Astrid and Elle interview Alexa, edit her interview AND sing for Natalia and Gwen's film.

Elle on camera, Astrid on sound, Alexa as interviewee...

Astrid and Alex prepare questions and answers.

Natalia and Gwen record their own voices speaking Heiltsuk and 2 songs with drumming! 

Gwen (sound) hams it up with Nadia (drummer and singer)

Gwen records sound while Natalia, Astrid and Elle sing while Nadia drums and sings

One more take from a different angle. Sarah helps Gwen with sound levels!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Bella Bella - Day 1-2

It is overcast grey and rainy day but Bella Bella smells fresh and alive!

With all our gear moved to the Youth Centre we are excited to meet our incredible hand selected film makers. We jump right in meeting each other, chatting about favourite media, watching previous Our World films and then start brainstorming. Everyone is pretty quick to have a direction and as per usual there is an organic pairing with similar ideas. 

Angelica & Alexa (the A team) are working on a piece designed to give a positive message for folks who may be considering suicide.

Jai wants to make a film talking about bullying.

Astrid and Elle wants to talk to Edlers and children about what is so special about the Heiltsuk culture.

Natalia & Gwen want to make a film celebrating Heiltsuk culture and language

Sawyer wants to make a chase scene in animation…will the location be this cool coastal town?
Astrid and Elle's notes

Natalia and Gwen's notes

On day two we got a little antsy to move around so moved to practice interviewing techniques with sound, framing and interview etiquette.
Alexa works camera, while Jai records sound and asks the questions. Angelica acts as interviewee.