Friday, March 28, 2008

Hazelton - Production Day 3-4

Today Lisa shows us how to import images onto the computer and then magically manipulate them using Photoshop Elements. Participants will now be able to scan, import , crop, manipulate and layer their images, bringing them to life!

Sharon has gone to interview her mom, Marvin is on a roll, scanning images of the gorgeous collage he has created depicting two villages on the Skeena.

Michele has her legend storyboarded already and is working on drawing her character on the computer with a bit of help, from Steve, the animation guru!

Jeannette has started her storyboard and is spending her afternoon scanning photographs of her family.

Kirsten and Cody are scanning pictures as well – going through memories and scrap books of their early hockey days. By the end of the day, they have laid out their story and planned to incorporate little animations into a photo montage.

Sherylanne has broken her poem into sections and chooses images to illustrate her words. Her uncle Errol is a talented local Gitxsan artist who has brought her a photo album containing images of his carvings and crests.

It is impressive how far everyone has gotten already! 

Cara Morten taught and talked about the importance of sound. Little Aiden helped (of course) as well!
Jeannette works on her script for The Art of Making Bread
The whole room is busy!
Marvin makes edits on The Hiding Place
Mentor Lisa gives Sharon some editing tips
Sherylanne learns photoshop from mentor Catrina

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