Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Masset - Day Two

Day two - gorgeous and sunny, with a bite in the wind ...and in the workshop another wind, a whirlwind... of hard work! We had scriptwriting, we had storyboarding, we had framing tips, we learned  interview and camera. We even managed to squeeze in time for a pizza!  
(Tammy from Atwell Family Foods made a special order for us....delish!)
Hawa'a (Thank you) to everyone who worked so hard.

A stunning fall day
Our workshop location - right beside the high school
Patrick gives a crash course in camera
Caylene on camera, Carol-Lynn is the interviewer and Brannon is sound
Zaya as interviewee
Hannah, Brannon and Caylene work on their script
Almost done!
Zaya and Anni conduct a few interviews outside
Reviewing footage
Elisa shows Carol-Lynn photoshop tips

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