Friday, November 28, 2014

Rez Ball

Created by Simon Smith
A documentary about the importance of basketball in the community of Masset.

Masset - 2014 - 2:50

Body Image

Created by Taylor Lantin, Anni Koenig & Zaya Zaleska
A documentary about self perception.

Translated by Tsinii Claude & Candace Weir
Masset - 2014 - 4:32

WINNER of The 2015 Second Prize in the 13-16 age category for the Nelson Youth Film Festival 

The Gummy Bear

Created by Brannon Bell, Caylene Bell & Hannah Parnett
An animation about a bullied gummy bear who saves Haida Gwaii from an environmental disaster.

Translated by Colleen Williams
Masset - 2014 - 2:42

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

What Does the Word "Drugs" Mean to You

Created by Carol-Lynn Roberts
An experimental documentary about addiction.

Translated by Colleen Williams
Masset - 2014 - 3:26

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Old Massett - Premiere Screening!

It was a FULL HOUSE at the Old Masset Youth Centre tonight! Thanks to everyone for coming out!

The program of the night started with a behind the scenes look at what the young filmmakers were up to for 9 days to make their films and then we moved into two funny animations made by Tahayghen Elementary School and then...the moment many were waiting for....we screened the feature presentation....the 4 films made by the Our World workshop participants!

It was such a welcoming and celebratory room. The audience really enjoyed the films, responding enthusiastically with hoots and applause after EVERY film!
It was a truly wonderful evening. Congrats to the filmmakers - hope to see you again soon!

Big congrats goes out to filmmakers Caylene, Brannon, Hannah, Carol-Lynn, Simon, Taylor and Zaya (Anni was away)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Masset - First Screening Night

Thank you Harmony Williams for the invitation to screen the four finished films at 
Haida Gwaii to Unite! The 2014 Haid Gwaii Youth Conference
It was a wonderful and enthusiastic audience and in fact were asked to play the films TWICE!
Harmony welcomes everyone to dinner

Kendra sings
FULL house!

Anni, Zaya and Taylor answer questions

Brannon, Hannah, Evil Patrick and Elisa on the right...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Masset - Day Nine

Today was the last day of the film workshop with grade 9 students from
George M Dawson Secondary School and the last 3 films were completed.

Those same mixed feelings: job well done, anticipation for the screenings but sad to say goodbye...

The good news is we get to see the filmmakers during the Haida Gwaii Youth Conference tomorrow over dinner, when we get to screen the films - hot of the presses!

(The official celebration screening will be Thursday Nov 27th)

Elisa and Carol-Lynn are still smiling after editing & editing & editing....
Caylene, Brannon and Hannah are happy to have completed their animation
Tsinnii Claude helps Anni & Zaya with their Haida (photo by Evil Patrick)
Evil Patrick, is not very evil, he is a really nice film mentor actually....
Taylor, Anni and Zaya always have time to pose!
"Actors" Sam and Presley watch their performance in Carol-Lynn's video 
Our "Inspiration Wall" - drawings made when we needed an analog moment
Detail of the artwork! (photo by Evil Partick)
Day Nine-DONE!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Masset - Day Eight

Today was the second to last day of the film workshop and it is the time when small changes and attention to detail make all the difference! Music is selected and edited in. Additional narration is added and superfluous narration is removed. Titles and text are corrected and re-corrected. Title images are created and inserted. It was a flurry of activity.

-Simon completed his film! Wooohooo! He recorded Elijah speaking Haida and did the final nit picky changes and tweaks.

-Anni, Taylor & Zaya continued on their edit and message, added music and made an appointment with Tsinnii Claude for Haida translation and recording tomorrow morning!

-Brannon, Caylene & Hannah chose their story enhancing music, tweaked their credits and title, worked on timing, added sound effects and worked with Colleen Williams for translation and recorded Haida narration! Hawa'a (Thank you) to Carol-Lynn for helping record the Haida.

-Carol-Lynn created more original artwork, edited out some repetitive narration, conducted additional photoshoots and recorded Haida with help from Caylene and Colleen!

All the details make even the best editor a little cross eyed and tired!

Notes and more notes assist in getting the story straight and make the editing process clearer!

Referring to the script helps when inserting the narration!

Seeing your timeline fill with imagery makes your mentor sing!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Masset - Day Six & Seven

ALOT has happened in the last two days. 
Please take a good look at a this hard working crew of filmmakers.
Top row - left to right: Anni, Taylor, Zaya, Hannah, Carol-Lynn, Caylene & Simon
Bottom row - Brannon

Carol-Lynn has been working on an experimental documentary about addiction. For her stylistic approach, she is creating digitally drawn imagery as well as drawing on photographs. 
For her audio track she has combined a recorded interview with her own voice over. 
Besides working hard on her piece, she is also very good at keeping hydrated!

Simon continues to polish his documentary titled 'Rez Ball'. He has been tweaking his timing and three audio interview tracks with precision. He has added & amended his title and credits and added sound effects. Today he also captured footage of a game of b-ball at lunch to add to his piece. 
Simon is also very good at being sure to get up from the computer, stretch and lift heavy things between his post production activities.

Caylene, Brannon and Hannah continue to work on their animation starring gummy bears. This is an incredible team that has everything you need to create a great film: a director with a vision and message, a production co-ordinator with patience, quality control and stamina and a devoted technician who quickly understands and operates the software! This epic film has a large cast of voice actors, sound effects and high-tech special effects! Music and titling was added which further enhance the story.
Only a few gummy bears where harmed...well....EATEN during the making of this film. 

This team of very busy filmmakers have only just today sat down to concentrate on editing! Their time thus far has been spent interviewing kids and adults all over Masset about their topic: Body Image. They have interviewed over 25 people in order to get a cross sections of opinions. This trio cut their 20 minute film down to 5 minutes by noon and then edited their opening sequence as well. These natural filmmakers edit by committee,  all taking turns working the mouse AND have time to sing along to their ipods!

In this shot we have included the mentors... see if you can locate: Evil Patrick, Elisa Chee and Lisa g!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Masset - Day Five

The day started icy and cold but the young filmmakers were on fire and thus warmed up 
the Haida Gwaii Rec production house....

Animating Gummy Bears saving our waters!
frame by frame environmental protection
Please notice the tanker face to face with the green gummy bears

Some new video for Rez Basketball

Body Image video has 15 PLUS interviews! That is a lot of editing!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Masset - Day Four

Tsinnii Stephen helped Our World in 2009 working with our young filmmakers 
and helping with translation and narration. 
When he passed away he left a legacy of cultural influence and inspiration.
Thinking of him today.
Thinking of Tsinnii Stephen in the hallways of George Dawson
The Haida class dedicated to Tsinnii
The Haida dictionary for reference
Notes for Rez Basketball Documentary
Editing interviews

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Masset - Day Three

The schedule...

Simon finishes his script and Elisa and Carol-Lynn
continue creating imagery in photoshop
Caylene, Brannon and Hannah start animating the 'gummy bear' story
Actors and supply list for the animation
Carol-Lynn interviews Brenda for Anti-Addiction piece
Carol-Lynn and Brenda in their 'recording studio'
Zaya, Anni and Taylor review their interviews for the body image video!
Caylene is a natural filmmaker!
Simon and Patrick discuss story for the doc about Rez Basketball
Carol-Lynn captures her actor Sam in some photos
Old Masset Youth Centre sticker
Thomas Arnatt painting on a house in Masset
walking home