Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hazelton - Recording & Editing

Recording narration in the Gitksan language is an important part of the pieces, and our participants are keen to do it. Many for the first time.
Jaye records for his story about the importance of Living Off the Land
Audrey (right) helps Jezebel with pronunciation of Gitksan
Jezebel is creating a very powerful piece about changing her unhealthy lifestyle
for her unborn child
Elisa helps Jaye on his editing
Jezebel uses the tablet to create her original artwork
Mentor Lisa g helps Stacey on her edit of The Power of Three -
a story about being a young, single and strong willed mom

Marvin honours his grandfather in Gitxsan Man
Nishan is excited to share her documentary abut her dad
Sharon learns After Effects to create a very cool trailer using green screen !
In the computer lab, Chris and Gordon find images for Gordon's honest account of alchoholism
in his piece  called Breaking the Cycle 

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