Thursday, January 1, 2009

Old Massett - Intro Session

Lisa Jackson and Catrina Longmuir made a preliminary visit to Old Masset to meet with youth to discuss story ideas and to talk about the “Our World” project. Thanks to Nate Jolley who already does video workshops in Old Masset, we were able to access talented youth that were already well versed in filmmaking processes. We had a very productive couple of days at Christian White's Longhouse workshopping ideas with the youth for their 250 word stories 

Most participants had a clear idea of what they wanted to do by the end of day one. On day two we even had time to do an animation exercise in ‘pixilation’.

Each of the six youth involved were artistic, talented and had a great sense of filmmaking already. Because Nate is a resident of Masset, doing media workshops, it meant that not only were we building on the youths’ skills, but he was also there to continue working with them after we left. We felt we were part of a continuum, and that we were able to bring another dimension to what they already knew. It felt great to know that they would almost definitely be continuing to build their new skills and tools.

Kristy, Nate, Tao, Kiefer, Brandon and mentor Lisa J set up for pixelation exercise
Kristy, Tao and Kiefer allow their likeness to be part of the pixelation video
Curtis, Nate, Tao and Lisa are clearly entertained!
Kiefer & Nate talk tech.
Kristy works on her story.
During the intro session it gets very industrious
Cat and Gwaliga watch some films for inspiration
Our World workshops can be fun!
Our World thanks the lunch ladies !

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