Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Power of the Haida People

By Brandon Brown
This stop-motion animation deals with the loss of culture and the resurgence of it through future generations. It explores the power of Haida art and the importance of sustaining it. 
- Haida Gwaii BC - 2009, 3:22

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

Grounded in Tradition

By Gwaliga Hart
A young Haida boy visits his ts’inni (grandfather) for story time, and is transported into a magical world of Haida language and tradition. This world is one that represents a world of nature, animals, language and Haida ways which are disappearing. 
- Haida Gwaii BC - 2009, 5:19


By Kiefer Collison
A short bold film stating that the community needs to listen to the youth - they are the future and must be heard!
- Haida Gwaii BC - 2009, 2:48

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

The Lost Raven Finding His Way

By Curtis Brown
A touching account of how a “lost raven” was uprooted at a young age and now as a young adult is rediscovering his roots as a Haida dancer.
- Haida Gwaii BC - 2009, 3:52

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles


By Tao Stocker
A surreal contemplation on change.
- Haida Gwaii BC - 2009, 2:24

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

We Are Not Alone

By Kristy Bell
A personal and poetic piece about the struggle to belong. First, a journey to discover the world out there, and then the discovery that her heart is content when she is surrounded by her community and her roots.
- Haida Gwaii BC - 2009, 3:58

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

Old Massett - Screening

The community screening held at the end of the week was a great success! It was held at Tluu Xaada Naay Long House in Old Masset and was a packed house. Thanks to the grant from Northern Credit Savings Union we were able to hire a contact of Nate’s hired Jack who brought his professional projector, enormous screen and beautiful sound system. Each film was a great hit with the audience. We followed the screening with a Q & A session, where the youth individually talked about where their films. Audience members were also quite animated and we had a few very encouraging and positive remarks from the community. It was a magical evening. We really felt that the youth were delivering something that was not only about their own expression and accomplishment; but that the pieces were real contributions in the Haida language back to their community as well.

We have a wonderful BIG screen !
The audience is friendly and excited
It is a FULL house!
The filmmakers get their much deserved applause
Left to right: Gwaliga, Curtis, Kiefer, Brandon, Tao and Kristy !
The filmmakers answer questions from the audience
Lucille, xaad kil language scholar hands out presents to the filmmakers!
Mentor Catrina, so proud of Kristy!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Old Massett - Production - almost there!

We are locked out! Oh no!
Eventually, we DO get into the council lucky for everyone it is back to work...

Serious editing !
Not so serious editing !
Raven Ann drums for Curtis and Kiefer 
Gwaliga likes to take a nap!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Old Massett - Production Continues

Kristy is rapidly becoming a photoshop expert for her piece We are Not Alone

The six young filmmakers each made very different types of film, in style and in content.
Tao Stocker, our youngest participants, created a sophisticated short piece with images he manipulated in photoshop. The piece is a surreal contemplation on change. Tao also created a magnificent soundtrack from scratch in Garageband. 
Tao's project untitled - comes together

Brandon had a strong sense visually of what he wanted to accomplish from the very beginning. It is obvious in his short stop-motion animation that he is very artistically talented. His piece integrates the voice and face of Ts’inni Steven Brown, speaking in Haida about the loss of culture and the resurgence of it through future generations. It explores the power of Haida art and the importance of sustaining it. 
Brandon keeps on drawing and capturing single images for Power of the Haida People
The screen shows his camera angle

Gwaliga is ready to go and shoot...Grounded in Tradition
Actor Morris White patiently waits for Gwaliga
Kiefer always is in good spirits!
The mentors love their lists!

The schedule...also who has what equipment...

Hmmm, does Lisa g think we will meet the deadline?
Elisa (smiling) thinks so!
Another lunch, another bunch of striped sweaters!

Old Massett - Dancing with Curtis

Curtis Brown’s film is a touching account of how he (a “lost raven”) was uprooted at a young age and now as a young adult is rediscovering his roots as a Haida dancer. He also played the flute for three of the six pieces, and performed in his own piece, traditionally and in a contemporary form. Curtis is also seriously considering going to film school.

Curtis wanted to use the abandoned army barracks in Masset as his 
backdrop for his urban dance scene. We didn't let a little rain stop the shoot!
Curtis sets up the tripod
Mentor Lisa g helps with the camera
Curtis busts a move!

THe graffiti looks fantastic!

Curtis checks the footage

Monday, January 26, 2009

Old Massett - Translation - Kristy

Kristy Bell created a very personal and poetic piece about her struggle to belong. Given the Haida name for Bashful by her Ts’inni Steven (our language expert), she goes on a journey to discover the world out there, only to discover that her heart is content when she is surrounded by her community and her roots. Kristy calls herself a “photographer-poet” which is very apropos. Kristy is taking Haida language courses and even narrated some of her piece in the Haida language. 

Always with tea and toast with jam, we would convene at the preschool in Old Massett. 
Our World was very lucky to get to work an incredible language team - because as we have learned - it takes a village to create correct translation, transcription and pronunciation.
Ts’inni Steven - an incredible and generous Elder,  Lisa White - transcriber extraordinaire, Jordon Seward - audio recorder and technical expert  and Primrose ‘Bipsy’ Adams - who would also help choose words and phrasing. It was great to know that the work for the Our World films would also be put into a community archive for language preservation. 

Bipsy was such a delight!

Ts'inni and Lisa are such a great team!

Old Massett - Translation - Curtis

For each film, the young filmmaker would sit with the language experts and help explain what he or she was trying to evoke. It proved to be a really great learning experience for the youth, and was a unique way in which they could be giving back to the community. 

There is always time to laugh - even when translating

Lisa White transcribes while Tsinni Stephen discusses with Curtis about his story

Old Massett - Translation - Brandon

We were very fortunate to be working with the XaadKihlgaa Hi Suu.u Society (Speak Haida Society) and with Lucille Bell to help with the translations for the six films. With help from Gwaii Trust Society, we were able to work with language experts for four days. Elder Ts’inni Steven Brown meticulously translated and narrated all 6 pieces and even starred in two of the films! With the help of Lisa White, Jordon Seward and Primrose ‘Bipsy’ Adams, we were able to have simultaneous transcription take place for eventual Haida subtitles of the films.
Tsinni Stephen sits in front of the green screen
Brandon films Tsinni as he translates what is to be said into Haida

Lisa White clarifies what Tsinni is saying while Jordon Seward record the voices