Thursday, December 11, 2008

Old Crow - goodbye

We are sad to go!

On the way to the airport the filmmaking mentors (Cat, Lisa g & Elisa Chee) say goodbye to Mary Jane Moses. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Man Who Always Lives in the Bush

Directed/Animated/Edited by: Mary Jane Moses
An homage to the filmmaker's husband and his dedication to the traditional Gwich'in way of life.

Gwich'in Translation and Editing: Jane Montgomery, Joel Peter and Mary Jane Moses
Gwich'in Narration: Mary Jane Moses
- Old Crow Yukon - 2008, 5:03

English Subtitles


Directed/Animated/Edited by: Stanley Njootli Jr.
Father and son practice the Gwich'in language together.

Gwich'in Translation: Brandon Kyikavichik and Joel Peter
Gwich'in Narration: Dean Njootli
-Old Crow Yukon - 2008, 0:50 

English Subtitles

Traditional Trappings

Created by: Joel Peter
Memories and techniques of traditional Gwich'in trapping methods.
- Old Crow yukon - 2008, 3:34

English Subtitles

Caribou Fence

Created by: Brandon Kyikavichik
The traditional way to trap caribou...Gwich'in style. 
Gwich'in Translation: Brandon Kyikavichik and Joel Peter
Gwich'in Narration: Brandon Kyikavichik
-Old Crow Yukon - 2008,  2:23 

English Subtitles

Gwich'in Subtitles

Numbers in Blackfoot

Created by Mackenzie Good Eagle
An animation teaching numbers in the Blackfoot language.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2008, 3:43

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Old Crow - Screening

It was a GREAT night sharing the incredible films with the community!
Bravo Filmmakers!

Producer Catrina introduces the films
Audience members Aidan and Logan
Happy Mackenzie at the opening night!
The audience at the community hall!
Mary Jane answers questions about her film: Man Who Always Lives in the Bush

Mary Jane is already an established filmmaker!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Old Crow - Production 3 - video

It was so touching to witness Brandon (23) and Joel (68), working closely together to work through telling Brandon's story Caribou Fence into Gwich’in

Also, to see Stan, (a guy who grew up in Washington and who decided to relocate to Old Crow) who barely speaks Gwich’in himself, teach his 3-year old son how to speak Gwich’in for his short film CRAW CRAW CRAW. It was magical.

Old Crow - Production 3

Mary Jane’s piece was about her husband, Georgie, and how he is an inspiration for continuing the tradition of living off the land. 

Brandon decided to do a piece on how the Caribou Fence was created. 

Stanley Grafton Njootli, a visual artist, decided he wanted to make a piece with his 3-year old son in Gwich’in. Stan had been in a documentary (about him and his father, and his decision to move to Old Crow in his 20s after never living there before). The film is entitled Arctic Son.

Mackenzie created a stop-motion animation in the Blackfoot language. 

Elder Joel Peter also made a piece about living his life in Old Crow. He shared what he knows especially about Muskrat trapping. This was a really special experience, and reaffirmed the importance of including more elders in the Our World project as storytellers. They hold wisdom about the environment, the language, the culture and traditional values that are so important for future generations. These real connections to traditions that have existed for 20,000 years. Hunting, trapping, living off the land – these are all things that people base a lot of their livelihood and existence on. We hope these short films can help to celebrate and connect generations and to important community values.

Mackenzie works on her animation Numbers in Blackfoot
The set for Caribou Fence
Brandon works on Caribou Fence

Brandon, Dean and Elisa working hard!

An office turned recording studio...
Mary Jane helps Dean with his Gwich'in pronunciation
Recording with Dean and his Dad
Joel takes a turn with helping Dean speak Gwich'in for Craw Craw Craw
Mary Jane and Lisa g have FUN!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Old Crow - Production 2

Mary Jane works on her script with Lisa J
Brandon and Joel work on translation
Jane and Joel also work together on translation
Working as a team is so important to get the proper Gwich'in words chosen
Mary Jane also pitches in on translation with Jane

A mini meeting at the end of the day to make a plan for tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Old Crow - Production

We set up at the beautiful John Tizya Centre with the assistance of Megan Williams, Heritage Director,  Mary Jane Moses (Heritage researcher, filmmaker and participant) and Brandon Kyikavichik. Brandon Kyikivachik is the FirstVoices Technician (First Voices is a great website dedicated First Language teaching + media). He was our liaison with the youth.

We also had the wonderful assistance and presence of Joel Peter, an elder fluent in speaking the Gwich’in language and Jane Montgomery, an experienced Gwich’in language teacher and translator. 

Three girls (Rhianna, Mackenzie and Milissa) from the school created a short pixilation piece. 

Elisa explains the concept of how single photographs will make a movie in pixelation
Mackenzie is the subject!

Mary Jane looks through the archives for photos to use in her film

Lisa J and Brandon discuss story
Father and son team - Stan Jr and Dean

Monday, December 1, 2008

Old Crow - Orientation

Old Crow is 80 miles north of the Arctic Circle in the Yukon. We arrived only after having to stop overnight in Whitehorse, then the next day we stopped in Dawson City and Inuvik to pick up other people and drop others off. It is a fly in community with a population of about 250-300.
We went up first to do an introductory session to meet youth, language experts and members of the community to talk about Our World, and to see how people might like to be involved in creating a short film.
Look at these mountains!
Check out the river!
All prepared for meeting the community!
Hop aboard the Elder's Van!
Producer Catrina and Stan Jr! Nice to meet you!

Amazing moose antlers!

The oldest part of town
Crystal's Grandmother walks toward the newer part of town

Left to right: Lisa Jackson (Filmmaker/Mentor), Crystal, Brandon, Saniz and Stan Jr
Fun kids in the community hall: Robin Vittrekwa and Janelle Schafer
Walking onto the Porcupine River
Sunrise! It doesn't last long
Cat and Lisa are having an incredible time!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sun Peak Collision

Created by Jack Johnson
A Nuxalk youth talks about the importance of his art in relationship to his culture.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.
- Vancouver BC - 2008,  2:07

Happy Boy

Created by Samantha Edgar and Ernestdeen Hood
An excerpt of a Nuxalk legend is interpreted with the help of green screen special effects.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.

Narration/Translation: Phyllis King - La7lay
- Vancouver BC - 2008, 2:30

English Subtitles


Actors/Directors: Manuela Salinas & Malcolm Paul
Artwork by Manuela Salinas

A fantastical Language Class dreamed up by two youth from the Sechelt First Nation incorporating live action and animation. 
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival- DOXA.

Translation by: Donna Joe
- Vancouver BC - 2008, 4:05 

English Subtitles

Friendship Songs & Dreams

Created by Perry Erickson
An abstracted vision of the city of Vancouver through the eyes of a visiting Nuxalk youth.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.

Nuxalk Singers: Chris Nelson and Lance Nelson
- Vancouver BC - 2008, 4:19

English Subtitles

DOXA - Screening Day

The workshop finished on such a high note with the premiere of the films shown at the closing night screening! 
The youth and their films were very well received! 
We hope that this will be the beginning of many more similar events and collaborations.

The crew at the  Closing Night! Malcolm, Manuela, Sam, Ernestdeen, Perry & Jack
Fun at the after party!
An amazing night!

Friday, May 30, 2008

DOXA - Production Day 4

Almost there! The studio is ON FIRE. Everyone is racing toward the finish line!

A workshop in motion!

Jack and Lisa Jackson watch Sun Peak Collision
Manuela's butterfly

Malcolm edits Manuela's butterfly into their movie Shashishalem!
Manuela enjoys the editing process
Perry and D'Arcy O'Connor working on sound design for Friendship Songs and Dreams 
Samantha editing Happy Boy
Ernie, Sam and Cat have some fun adding fire to the green screen