Friday, September 30, 2016

Bella Bella - Day 4

The first slightly overcast day but still beautiful.

Bella and Nate managed to get an interview first thing in the morning with William Housty!
So down we all went on the dock at the Breakwater!
Bella practiced her camera skills for both the interview and capturing B-roll and Nate took on sound and was the interviewer. They are both naturals!
William answered the questions about tankers and the oil industry and his concern for his community and environment. An important and thoughtful interview!

A great location for the interview with Lama Inlet in the background

A good filmmaking team also has time for a chuckle

It's only 9:30am and we have already completed an interview! Yahoo!
Nate, Thomas and Bella head to class!

Back in the Elementary School, we visited Liz (her Heiltsuk name means Abalone Shell woman)  in the Heiltsuk culture class and recorded the 
Grade 6-7 students singing.
The class sings Max Johnson's Celebration Song 

It sounded so incredible and powerful! 

Sometimes the students would sing a solo part! 

We also got to meet with each animation team to record audio for their scenes, it was a lot of fun trying to make sounds for sticks cracking, walking and a fire (Foley!) well as human voices and animal sounds!
Emma (hiding), Florence, Isaiah and Everett prepare to record their sounds for their scene.

Aaliyah, Sam, Mel, Aria and Inez record listen to suggestions from Stephen

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bella Bella - Day 3

Another glorious day in Bella Bella.

The inlet - where sadly a giant tanker goes through every 10 days...
Today we met up with the 10 filmmakers at the Youth Centre for orientation day: returning alumni Alexa, Astrid & Elle,  and newcomers Bella, Keyshawn, Latoya, Nadia, Nate, Sharon & Trinity

We were SO busy I barely took any pictures... but WHAT a day.
We had a 3 giant flip chart pages from brainstorming ideas.
We could work 6 years making movies with this crew!
The filmmakers organically teamed up (or not) by similar idea of which themes to pursue.

Sharon checks list for ideas of what story to tell
 Here are the teams and themes as they stood at the end of the day:
Astrid & Alexa: this team is considering exploring the life of a friend who went down a dark path but through the connection to his culture has found the light.
Bella, Nate & Trinity: an Anti-Enbridge documentary exploring in particular the fight against tankers in their waters.
Elle & Latoya: a film that traces the affects of Residential School from grandparents, to parents and then right up to their generation.
Keyshawn & Nadia: A documentary about protecting the Heiltsuk culture
Sharon: A film that explores racism, societal opinions & learning from these mistakes

Story plan for Anti-Tanker film

Plan for 'Protecting Our Culture'

End of day mentor and Residential School film team!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bella Bella - Day 2

We continue today making animations for Reel 2 Real International Film Festival for Youth.
Good morning Bella Bella!

Glorious morning commute - approximately 2 minutes walking

Stephen gives a lesson in movement

 The four teams of grade 6 and 7 students finished their backgrounds and characters
first thing in the morning and then started animating!
The Green Men terrorize the village! 
This epic tale warms about the Tanis - a creature that takes children who venture into the woods at night. 
The XAXA (Sasquatch)  takes over the cave of the two Wildmen  
Brainstorming the TITLE

A hunting scene is animated

Teachers Assistant Mel, helps make artwork 
This group is animating about how the bear meat will be stored in the cache - the bentwood box - buried in the ground 
This was a VERY patient team - a few technical difficulties with camera and laptop compatibility - but they kept it light! 
This team just kept drawing and adding characters!

This crew LAUGHED the entire time !

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Bella Bella - Day 1

For the first three days we are working with the grade 6-7 class in Bella Bella Community School.
We will create another epic animation for Reel 2 Real International Film Festival for Youth.

Here is our deluxe digs,  one of the teacher suites, walking distance to the school!
The view on the walk to school, the blue houses across the water is the Department of Fisheries-
The Heiltsuk fought for their own fishing rights!

The gym of the Bella Bella Community School

Another view of BBCS
New animation mentor, Stephen Gladue, introduces himself to the class.
Teacher Patrick and TA Mel look on.

Stephen demonstrates the principles of stop motion animation

Haley and Lindsey animate their names
Brainstorming THEMES

Monday, September 26, 2016

Bella Bella - Royal Visit

No filmmaking workshops today since the Bella Bella community was a little busy.

All the magic happened in the Community Hall since
it was raining so hard that no one could dance on the Breakwater.

Design by Heiltsuk artist, KC (last name to come soon)

Heiltsuk Nation Right & Title signs!
Support for true Truth & Reconciliation
Our World filmmaker alumni, Natalia, holds a drum made by her Grandmother for this occasion!
Natalia will drum and sing and Latoya will dance today! Latoya will work on a film this year.
Our World documents the events just in case a young filmmaker needs some of the footage
Everyone waited 2 and 1/2 hours but soon the guests of honour arrive....

Media frenzy for the Duke and Duchess as they greet Hereditary Chiefs
The community also welcomes Jodi Wilson-Raybould - Minister of Justice
(although the community was not so kind to Premiere Christy Clark - she got booed)
FULL house

The dancing and drumming was incredible - The Children's series: Herring Song, Ladies Welcome and the Archers Dance. Also Max Johnson's Celebration Song and Haida Song Part 1 and 2. Also the speeches were thoughtful and strong - always in keeping with the Heiltsuk strong self governance stance and dedication to community and the environment.

Children's Dance

Latoya (right) after dancing 
Beautiful blankets and cedar hats!
Nadia (will work on a film this year) and Michelle (Language Teacher)  leave the dance floor
Heiltsuk Hereditary Chiefs seated in a place of honour
Heiltsuk Hereditary Chiefs  in glorious regalia
Heiltsuk Hemas in more incredible regalia
The Duchess spikes the camera!

Chief Marilyn Slett gives an inspiring and touching speech
Lots of beautiful gifts were given!
Here, artist KC, gives his painting of his design made especially for this event!