Monday, November 30, 2015

Wuh Tlah Mus? (Do You Hear?)

Created by Bree-Anna Henderson & Haley Scow
Two filmmakers interview their Grandfathers to find out what going to St. Michael's Residential School (In Alert Bay) was like.

Port Hardy - 2015 - 6:31

English Subtitles 

'Nakwaxda'XW Subtitles


Created by Jeremy Wamiss
A magical animation that celebrates the carver.

Port Hardy - 2015 - 1:42

Ixantsila Ceremony (Coming of Age)

Created by Thelma Robertson-George
A wonderful film that celebrates an important “Nakwaxda’xw ceremony for young girls as they move into adulthood!

Port Hardy - 2015 - 4:23

'Yaxgan 'Nuyam

Created by Roberta Williams
Although this film educates the viewer about the shameful Potlatch Ban of 1884-1950 it also manages to look toward the future with positivity.

Port Hardy - 2015 - 4:23

Keeping Our Culture Alive

Created by Kelly Anderson
Tsulquate, a remote water side reserve has hope for a Big House to be built. An uplifting film celebrating the ability to practice culture on your own terms within your own community. 

Port Hardy - 2015 - 4:08

The Survivor

Created by Alex Heuman
Cutting edge documentary that incorporates animation to tell the hard realities of a residential school survivor and father of the filmmaker.

Port Hardy - 2015 - 5:15

Port Hardy - Premiere Screening

An incredible night, held at the Elder Center. A full house with delicious dinner of pulled pork on bannock, fish soup, salads and crumble for dessert. Thank you Eke Me-Xi caterers!

A big Congrats go out to all the filmmakers!

(Bree-Anna couldn't make the screening due to a hockey game)

The deck and the view of the Elder Center!
Dinner for the filmmakers!
Laura (friend) and Kelly  (filmmaker) pose for the camera while they eat dinner.
Roberta and Bannock, Katie (Haley's Aunt,) Haley, Thelma and Alex.

Anticipation for a great night!
Mentor Lisa g, waxes poetic about the talented filmmakers
Haley listens to the intro speech

Congrats and thank you for working so hard! 
The audience is engrossed

The Q&A
Compliments from the audience
More Q&A!
Elder Mary congratulates the young filmmakers about stories based on culture, their hard work and encourages them to continue!
The Q&A is done ...and now for DESSERT!
Top left to right: Alex, Thelma, Kelly, Tracy, Roberta, Odessa and Haley
Second row: Lisa g & Sebnem
Missing: Jeremy and Bree-Anna

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Port Hardy - Day 7

The last day means we start at 10:30 am and edit until 8:30 PM!
We work through 3 meals and get all the films get finished!

Thelma edits her voice over.

Thelma also gets creative with her b-roll - layering and opacity
Joye helps Haley with the english subtitles and 'Nakwala translations

Roberta completes her credits

Alex's puppets for his animation

Alex and Tracy animate!

The puppet fight represents the fights Harry had at residential school.

More Portaits!
Alex Heuman

Thelma George
Joye and Roberta 
Robert and Tracy
Robert and Sebnem

Important information

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Port Hardy - Day 6

OOH MY, second to last day and three films are getting closer to the finish line.
We worked 10am -6:30 pm....stopping only to eat lunch!!
These filmmakers ARE dedicated!

Kelly and Haley go on location for a couple of shots.

Kelly does a pan of the location for the new Big House.

It is great light, but very cold, Kelly works FAST!

Haley's Dad, records voice for Jeremy's animation and sings and drums for Haley's film.
Thank you Ernest!

Roberta edits up a STORM!
Mentor, Lisa g, shows Haley some titling tips
Leah is completely moved by Haley's (and Bree-Anna's) film about residential school.

Kelly and Odessa create magic on the timeline.
In order to be prepared to send the finished films to festivals, we need portraits of the filmmakers. Here are some we took:

Haley Scow

Kelly Anderson

Roberta Williams

Haley and Roberta

Charlie's Angels

Friday, November 27, 2015

Port Hardy - Day 5

Another frosty morning!
Our motto for the day!

Tommy and Walter sing and drum with little Andrew 

They sing the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw
Ladies Song for Thelma's film. Kelly helps record.
Roberta and Odessa edit!

Jeremy actually finished his animation TODAY!

Principal Jillian and Teacher Leah check out Thelma's latest edit (While Emma and Kelly ham it up)

What is not pictured here is Haley & Bree-Anna  and Alex working hard on their edits and Kelly working on her script.
A great day!