Monday, March 4, 2013

Looking Into the Wild Man

Created and Narrated by Elijah Washington
A traditional story, about the Haida Wild Man.

Translated by: Colleen Williams
Haida Gwaii - 2013 - 2:38 

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

Being a Teen is Tough

Created and Narrated by Damian Shaw
The filmmaker shares some challenges of being a teenager…and some solutions.

Translated by: Colleen Williams
Haida Gwaii - 2013 - 1: 34 

Beauties N'The Beach

Created and Narrated by Rayne Boyko and Edda Koenig
Two youth from Haida Gwaii celebrate the Haida language and the  beach.

Translated by: Tsinii Stephen Brown
Additional Language help: Lisa White and Jordon Seward
Haida Gwaii - 2013 - 1:58 

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

Welcome to Old Massett

Created and Narrated by Kendra Williams, Jordyn Stewart and Danielle Stewart
3 Haida youth celebrate what they love about where they live.

Translated by: Colleen Williams
Haida Gwaii BC - 2013 1: 46 

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Naani told me

Created and Narrated by Dorian Williams and Eli Bedard
Dorian's family story, as told by Naani Nora Samuels, about a fateful boating accident.

Translated by: Rhonda Bell and Nina Williams 
Haida Gwaii - 2013 - 2: 26

English Subtitles

Haida Subtitles

Skidigate - Screening

The Our World Masset 2013 films were also included in the closing evening of the Haida Gwaii Film Festival! This was held in Skidigate at the Haida Heritage Centre.
Again, the films were well recieved and the audience were touched by the youth speaking the Haida language!
Mentor Elisa Chee is ready to see the films.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Old Massett - Screening

 As part of the Haida Gwaii Film Festival, the Our World Films were screened at Christian Whites's Longhouse on opening night! It was standing room only! And the films were very well recieved!

All the attending directors (Dorian, Eli, Elijah, Damian and Kendra) said a few words about their film experience.