Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Caribou, Our Livelihood

Written, directed and created by Mary Jane Moses
A celebration of caribou and an explanation of their importance for the Vuntut Gwitchin people.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 6:08

Gwich'in Translation and Editing: Brenda Kaye, Jane Montgomery, Joel Peter and Mary Jane Moses
Gwich'in Narration: Mary Jane Moses

English Subtitles 

Gwichin Subtitles

Gwitchin Bead Work

By Chelsea Charlie
A youth speaks about her experience with and the culture behind traditional beadwork.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 2:15

Trapping Muskrat

A film by Melayna Kyikavichik
'Trapping Muskrat' gives guidance on how to trap dzan (muskrats), skin and stretch the furs, and all the items you can make with the furs.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 2:03

Gwich'in Translation: Brandon Kyikavichik and Joel Peter
Gwich'in Narration: Melayna Kyikavichik and Joel Peter

English Subtitles 

Gwich'in Subtitles

I am Gwitchin

By Nathaniel Schafer
A animated account of a boy living a traditional life.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 1:41

Gwich'in Translation: Brandon Kyikavichik and Joel Peter
Gwich'in Narration: Nathaniel Schafer and Joel Peter

English Subtitles

Gwich'in Subtitles

Making Ch’itsuh

Made by Camisha Charlie
A video recipe to show how to make pemmican.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 2:07

Gwich'in Translation: Brandon Kyikavichik and Joel Peter
Gwich'in Narration: Brandon Kyikavichik

English Subtitles

Gwichin Subtitles


Created by Caleb Charlie
A boy who is bored decides to go sliding.  What could possibly go wrong?
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 1:34

English Subtitles

Gwichin Subtitles 

Me and My Two Best Friends

Created by Brandie Vittrekwa
Three best friends hanging out together in Old Crow, Yukon. A day of laughing, chatting and having fun!
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 3:36

Gwich'in Translation: Brandon Kyikavichik and Joel Peter
Gwich'in Narration: Brandie Vittrekwa

English Subtitles

Gwichin Subtitles

Gwitchin Fights

Directed by Marlon Abel Kendi
Gwitchin Fights is a story about hunters going out on the land to go get caribou for their people. When they return home something happens....
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 2:55

Recycling for the Earth

Directed by Sarah Learn
Informative video on how and what to recyle. Encouraging people to recycle and help the Earth.
-Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 2:23

My Favourite Things

Directed by Darcy Andre Josie
My favorite things in Old Crow, Yukon is to drive around on ski-doo, hunt and play video games. Hope you enjoy my favorite activities.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 1:37

Gwich'in Translation: Brandon Kyikavichik and Joel Peter
Gwich'in Narration: Brandon Kyikavichik

English Subtitles

Gwichin Subtitles

Crow Flat Trip

Directed by Tye Kassi
A fun trip to Crow Flat by skidoo.
- Old Crow Yukon - 2010, 1:39

Monday, October 25, 2010

Old Crow Screening Night

The community screening celebrates all of the hard work, dedication and achievements of the youth and participants. It is an extremely poignant and important part of the week – the community comes out to support and see the work and make connections with the language and content.
The event was in the Hall and there was a great turnout! There was a rousing round of applause between each film and at the end. The community really enjoyed the stories! 

(This means Thank you in Gwichin)


Monday, October 18, 2010

Old Crow Workshop Nights...

Everyone is welcome at an Our World workshop.
We made sure to have our workshop flexible to accommodate people who have jobs as well, so sometimes we worked in the evenings or on the weekend.
Mary Jane works on her piece Caribou, Our Livelihood.

 Chelsea (left) interviews her friend Ashley for her piece Gwitchin Bead Work.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Old Crow Workshop Days

Here is Catrina (editor/mentor) at the back of the John Tiyza Centre. 
The long row of windows along the bottom of the building is where we conduct the workshops.

 Here is the group of young filmmakers:
Top: Camisha, Brandie, Sarah and Tye
Bottom: Melayna, Caleb, Marlon, Nathaniel and Darcy 

 Elisa holds her animation workshop.

 Joel and Brandon are our translators, they have a very difficult job!

 Brandon helps Sarah record her voice over for her piece Recycling for the Earth

 Nathaniel (left) and Caleb work on their story.
Nathaniel's piece is called I am Gwich'in
Caleb animates his comedy Sliding.
 Brandie out on location for Me and My Best Friends.
 Darcy animates his piece My Favourite Things.

 Marlon works on his epic Gwich'in Fights.

 A trio of editors. 
Melanya (to the left) works on Trapping Muskrats.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Arrive in Old Crow

Here is the view from the plane as we fly into Old Crow. The Van Tat Gwich'in people have lived here for over 1000 years.  Van Tat Gwich'in means People of the Lakes, and here are the famous lakes.

The town of Old Crow is located in the Yukon 73 km north of the Arctic Circle and 110 km south of the Beaufort Sea. About 300 people live there.
 The old town in right along the Porcupine River. This is where the John Tizya Centre sits, The Tizya Centre is a heritage centre where the Our World workshops will take place. 
What a view!

 The Our World Team immediately went to set up for the first workshop. The kids from Chief Zzleh Gittlit School came and  we showed some films and talked about story.
Elisa and Catrina select the short digital stories to show.
Tye, Caleb and Nathaniel consider some ideas
 Deciding on story can sometimes be difficult, and people can be shy about their ideas.
Darcy and Marlon think while teacher Keri looks on.

Brandie and Melayna brainstorm with mentor Lisa
A good game is to throw out anonymous story ideas on small pieces of paper and then talk about them as a group. 
By the end of the first workshop, many of the students had decided on their stories.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Our World Revisits Old Crow

 Looking at the Porcupine River from the John Tizya Center.

After hibernating for a year, Our World has been able to secure funding from the Canada Council for the Arts to come up to Old Crow, the fifth community we've visited since this project started.  We're so happy to be able to return and to see friends that we've made from our last trip up here.  

This time, we will work with nine students at the elementary school and two adult filmmakers.    Please stay tuned!