Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sun Peak Collision

Created by Jack Johnson
A Nuxalk youth talks about the importance of his art in relationship to his culture.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.
- Vancouver BC - 2008,  2:07

Happy Boy

Created by Samantha Edgar and Ernestdeen Hood
An excerpt of a Nuxalk legend is interpreted with the help of green screen special effects.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.

Narration/Translation: Phyllis King - La7lay
- Vancouver BC - 2008, 2:30

English Subtitles


Actors/Directors: Manuela Salinas & Malcolm Paul
Artwork by Manuela Salinas

A fantastical Language Class dreamed up by two youth from the Sechelt First Nation incorporating live action and animation. 
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival- DOXA.

Translation by: Donna Joe
- Vancouver BC - 2008, 4:05 

English Subtitles

Friendship Songs & Dreams

Created by Perry Erickson
An abstracted vision of the city of Vancouver through the eyes of a visiting Nuxalk youth.
Created for Vancouver's Documentary Film Festival - DOXA.

Nuxalk Singers: Chris Nelson and Lance Nelson
- Vancouver BC - 2008, 4:19

English Subtitles

DOXA - Screening Day

The workshop finished on such a high note with the premiere of the films shown at the closing night screening! 
The youth and their films were very well received! 
We hope that this will be the beginning of many more similar events and collaborations.

The crew at the  Closing Night! Malcolm, Manuela, Sam, Ernestdeen, Perry & Jack
Fun at the after party!
An amazing night!

Friday, May 30, 2008

DOXA - Production Day 4

Almost there! The studio is ON FIRE. Everyone is racing toward the finish line!

A workshop in motion!

Jack and Lisa Jackson watch Sun Peak Collision
Manuela's butterfly

Malcolm edits Manuela's butterfly into their movie Shashishalem!
Manuela enjoys the editing process
Perry and D'Arcy O'Connor working on sound design for Friendship Songs and Dreams 
Samantha editing Happy Boy
Ernie, Sam and Cat have some fun adding fire to the green screen

Thursday, May 29, 2008

DOXA - Production Day 3

A big day of production! Phew! 
Doreen Manuel from Capilano College invited filmmakers to use their state of the art green screen! So 2/3 of our crew headed north, while the others continued at the NFB studio.

Our trustee Connexions coordinator, Meghna Haldar made sure we continue to be fed and know where to go and when.

Language has been a challenge due to the nature of the workshop – participants are away from their communities & language experts - but we are doing a lot of work over the phone!

Malcolm, Ernestdeen, Samantha and Perry head to Capilano College Film Centre on the North Shore of Vancouver

Capilano College generously supported Ernie and Sam to shoot a green screen scene for Happy Boy

Perry works the camera with mentor Lisa g's help

Sam directs Malcolm who will be "Happy Boy"

Ernie, as stand in

Meanwhile back at the National Film Board, Jack paints a sweatshirt - taking video of the whole process

Jack and D'Arcy O'Connor work on sound design

Manuela draws more characters to animate for her video 
Malcolm works on his edit and you can see Jack in the background working on his stop motion painting!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

DOXA - Production Day 2

The 6 filmmakers are spending 6 intensive days making short films made of videos, drawings and photos. Not only do they have to write, direct, shoot and star in their own films, they also are learning how to edit, polish and put sound and music to their movies. Bella Coola participants are building on tech skills they have already learned and the Sechelt participants are learning from scratch!
It’s amazing what you an accomplish in less than a week!

With the Our World influence the filmmakers are also encouraged to incorporate language into each piece.

Clearly the workshop is intense, not only do the participants spend all day making films, they also get to check out the documentaries screening at the festival in the evening. 

Famous actor Tantoo Cardinal came to visit the young filmmakers!

Ernestdeen learns the PD150 that she will use for her special effects video

Jack gets hands on knowing he will use live action in his piece

Director Lisa Jackson is happy to be a mentor!

Manuela from Sechelt gets some help from mentor Elisa
Perry is a confident with the camera as mentor Lisa g looks on

Ernie also gets her props made

Part of the costume for Happy Boy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

DOXA - Production Day 1

DOXA, the Vancouver Documentary Film Festival and the NFB have collaborated to bring together “CONNEXIONS 2008”. Connexions is the youth component of the DOXA film fest. OUR WORLD and the NFB were able to bring down four participants from Bella Coola that had previously participated in the workshops. DOXA helped to bring two new participants from Sechelt (Shishalh Nation) and brought in 3 mentors from the Capilano College Independent Indigenous Filmmaking Program (Greg Coyes, Justin MacGregor, Doreen Manuel) to help out with story development.

Day one of the workshop at the National Film Board's Hemlock Street Studio has already been a long haul for this group! ;)

Left to right at the back: Manuela, Sam, Ernie & Jack. Front: Perry.