Monday, November 26, 2007

Box of Dreams

By Pat Joe
A grandmother's dreams of travel is tranferred to her grandaughter!
- Teslin Yukon - 2007, 4:46
English Subtitles

Tlingit Subtitles

A Fossiled Life

By Clayton A Carlick
A young person mourns the loss of his culture.
- Teslin Yukon - 2007,  5:34

My Moose Hunt

By Trent Smarch
Memories of family heritage, living in the north and learning to live off the land.
- Teslin Yukon - 2007,  6:48
English Subtitles

Tlingit Subtitles

Drum Practice

By Doug Smarch
Some mischievous characters conduct a secret drum circle.
- Teslin Yukon - 2007, 2:42

English Subtitles

Tlingit Subtitles

Cole's Story

Created by Cole Coward
A traditional Tlingit story about bravery.

Translated and Narrated by: Bess Cooley
Teslin - 2007 - 4:02 

Tlingit Subtitles

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Teslin- workshop production

The Lisa's talk with Clayton about his edit
Cole works in After Effects 
Tracy and Elisa help Doug animate
Doug was born in Whitehorse, Yukon and now resides in Teslin. He is the youngest of 5 sons and the father on one. Doug had a traditional upbringing and has traveled extensively in Europe and South America.
Doug does sculpture and media arts.
Doug's actors for Drum Practice
Pat wrestles with editing Box of Dreams

Friday, November 23, 2007

Teslin - workshop in full swing

Clayton was born in Whitehorse, and was raised in Atlin, B.C.
After high school, he apprenticed in First Nation Studies in Vancouver, B.C.

Clayton has worked with youth and has been making films since 1999.

Clayton checks in with Cole's animation
Clayton goes to the lake to shoot

Lisa g talks animation with Doug

Pearl sits with Catrina to go therough Pat's  Tlingit  translation

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Teslin - workshop early days

Picking up the participants

Our amazing workshop space in the Heritage Centre
Clayton and Cole work on storyboard
Pat lives in Marsh Lake, Yukon and is Tagish Kwan First Nation.
She was raised at the traditional homestead in Marsh Lake.
Her story is about travelling.

      Trent was born and raised in Teslin, Yukon.
Trent’s interests include jumping skidoos and dirt bikes, film making, and media arts.
He works with Catrina to tell his story about his first Moose Hunt

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Teslin - workshop digs

The Teslin Heritage Centre was a wonderful place for the workshop

The totems represent the clans of the area

We woke up to this magical kingdom one morning!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Teslin - winter wonderland

Our World always feels intensely grateful to visit these incredible communities. The beauty of these isolated towns which (due to granting bodies) we tend to visit in winter! The coldness of the location is juxtaposed with the warmness of the welcome!

The fog rolls in!
Behind the Heritage Centre

Frost Magic!

Behind the Heritage Centre - along the lake edge
On the banks of Teslin Lake
The light is incredibly beautiful!

A wonderful sunset

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our Land


By Samantha Edgar
A young Nuxalk woman reclaims her heritage.
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 3:08

English Subtitles

Nuxalk Subtitles

Counting & Body Parts

Mntsk & Unkwtsta

By Ernestdeen Hood
A Nuxalk teaching tool helping children learn numbers.
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 2:36

English Subtitles

The Story of the Haw-haw

Smsma alh ti Hawhaw

By Perry Erikson
Adapted from a traditional Nuxalk legend.
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 4:40

English Subtitles

Nuxalk Subtitles

Florida, Baby!

By Jerret Snow
A youth changes his ways and works hard to reach a goal.
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 2:58

English Subtitles

Nuxalk Subtitles

story making

Kw'alhtnim tis smsmats

By Alice Edgar
This filmmaker documents the hard work behind the workshop.
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 2:44

English Subtitles

Nuxalk Subtitles

The Sniniq and the Little Girl - version II

Smsma ti Sniniq

Created by: Jack Johnson
A traditional Nuxalk legend adapted and animated with original drawings - this time with added colour!
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 5:43

English Subtitles

Nuxalk Subtitles