Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Story of the Thunder

Created by: Qwaxw - Jerret Snow
A traditional Nuxalk legend is created into a stop motion animation. 

Nuxalk Translation: Nuqatsulhaqw's Snxakila - Clyde M. Tallio
Nuxalk Narration: Ximaltwa - Clarence Elliott
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 2:17

English Subtitles

Raven's Son

By Samantha Edgar
A traditional Nuxalk legend adapted and animated with original photographs.

Nuxalk Translation: Dr. Hank Nater
Nuxalk Narration: Nuqatsulhaqw's Snxakila - Clyde M. Tallio
-Bella Coola BC - 2007, 3:06

English Subtitles

Nuxalk Alphabet

Animated by Ernestdeen Hood
A video made to help teach the Nuxalk Alphabet. 

Nuxalk Narration: Clyde Tallio and Ernestdeen Hood
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 3:12

English Subtitles


By Tara Mack - Mik'miclh (Star)
A children's Nuxalk song is created into a fun stop motion animation. 

Nuxalk Translation: Clyde Tallio
Nuxalk Singers: Tara Mack, Ernestdeen Hood, Samantha Edgar and Clyde Tallio
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 1:59

English Subtitles

The Sniniq and the Little Girl

By Jack Johnson
A traditional Nuxalk legend adapted and animated with original drawings.

Nuxalk Translation: Nuqatsulhaqw's Snxakila - Clyde M. Tallio
Nuxalk Narration: Qwaxwinay - Lance Nelson
- Bella Coola BC - 2007, 5:43

English Subtitles

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Bella Coola - Workshop - Inspiration

Getting outside has been proven very helpful to keep inspired and get the blood going - particularly after lunch when all we want to do is nap.
From left to right: Ernie, Sam, Tara, Jack, Tracy, Elisa, Banchi, Catrina & Jerret. Below: Lisa g
Check out the gorgeous Bella Coola River
The gang under blue skies!
The view of the town
Sam and Ernie!
Time to head back to work!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bella Coola - Workshop - Production

Ernestdeen works on her animation Nuxalk Alphabet
Jack draws a scene for The Sniniq and the Little Girl
Clyde provides his silhouette for Raven's Son

Elisa helps Jerret with his animated Story of Thunder

Lance discussing music and language with Jack

Tracy and Tara have a moment making Suca
Clyde and Sam discuss Sam's story Raven's Son

Recording audio for Suca

Monday, January 22, 2007

Bella Coola Workshop - Pre-Production

Clyde introduces some stories already translated into Nuxalk
Jerret gets some language inspiration

Tracy introduces stop motion animation

Animation is fun!

We make sure to take a delicious lunch break

Clyde is our resident language expert!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bella Coola Arrival

Here's the dream team from left to right: Tracy, Catrina, Lisa g, Elisa and Banchi
Bella Coola is surrounded by mountains and sometimes you can't land due to fog...
Arrival to Anahim Lake
Road to Bella Coola - by BUS!
Finally made it - Bella Coola!!
This is our workshop home away from home! 
If we move the gear TONIGHT we will be ready for tomorrow!
All the stuff to create some magic!